Three Things You Should Check on a Used Car

If you're like many consumers, you already know that buying a preowned vehicle may make more financial sense than springing for its brand-new counterpart. After all, vehicles' values begin to depreciate significantly as soon as they're driven out of the new-car showroom. The key to making a successful preowned-car purchase is to find a car that has been well taken care of since it was new. You'll undoubtedly have the vehicle checked by a mechanic before making a final buying decision, but you can save time and money by recognizing several surface signs that that the car may not have been meticulously maintained. Read More 

Frequently Asked Questions About Getting Auto Financing With Bad Credit

Ideally, you would work on improving your credit score before obtaining auto financing to get the best possible rate. Unfortunately, things happen that you can't always control. You may have totaled your last car, or the car may need repairs that don't make sense based on the age or value of the vehicle. In these instances, you may find yourself shopping for a car with bad credit. If you are in this position, you likely have a few questions swirling around in your mind. Read More 

Understanding What It Means When a Car Has a Salvage Title

If you're new to shopping the used car market, you may come across some terminology that you don't understand. For example, if you see the words "salvage title" in a sale ad, it's important that you know exactly what that means for you if you buy the car. Here's a look at the basics of salvage titles so that you can go into the sale with an understanding of what's ahead. Read More