Unforgettable Valentine’s Day Gift

5 Things To Tell A Car Salesperson Right Away When Shopping For A New Car

Most car buyers want to feel like they have the upper hand when shopping. And if you've got the notion that the car salesperson is the only one who needs to make a good impression, rest assured that you've got better control when you're the one who makes a good impression. If you want a car-buying experience that will be positive and get you what you want, here are five things to tell a car salesperson right off the bat. Read More 

Questions To Ask A Car Dealer Before Buying That Car

You know exactly what kind of car you want and know your budget limit and you are heading to the dealership. Are there questions you need to ask the dealer before you close that deal? Absolutely, yes. In this article, you will find the top questions you must ask your dealer if you want to go home smiling in your new car. What's the Out-The-Door-Price? This question will easily tell you what other fees you are being charged. Read More 

Three Common Car Problems That You Can Fix Yourself

When you notice that something isn't right with your vehicle, it's generally a good idea to visit your local automotive garage and have a professional take care of the work. However, there are a handful of problems that you can address yourself — even if you're not overly experienced in working on your vehicle. You never want to attempt to address an issue about which you don't feel 100 percent confident. Read More 

4 Safety Features To Look For In Your Next Used Car

If you are in the market to buy used cars, make sure that you keep safety as a top priority. Just because you are buying used doesn't mean that you have to compromise on safety. Here are a few safety features you should look for in your next vehicle. #1 Anti-Lock Brake System Anti-lock brakes are often referred to as ABS. These brakes are essential in modern vehicles. Anti-lock brake systems are made help ensure that your brakes do not lock up when you need them the most. Read More 

Before You Hit The Open Road, Here’s What You Need To Know About Helmets

Wearing a helmet while riding your new Harley Davidson is an important safety protocol. Just make sure you understand that all helmets are not created equal. In addition to comfort and fit, the helmet you choose should also reflect the type of rider you are. If you're buying a new bike, here is everything you need to know about helmets. Know the Law Before making your purchase, research local helmet laws in your state. Read More